Invitation: (Practically) Impromptu Outreach: Nature Walk

Dewberry Trail & Dolman Ridge

Sunday, 28 April, 2:00 pm – 4:00

RSVP for details

Fern and moss detail from by lezumbalaberenjena

A couple of people interested in our development happen to be in town right as the birds are set to arrive, so instead of answering their questions over a coffee table, we’re putting our coffee in thermoses and hitting the trail!

There is no formal program other than the walk, so if you’ve questions about where we are at with the Cohousing process or want a chance to informally get to know a bit about some of our members and are interested in an outing  of this sort please let us know:  We’ll either add you into this event or add another one like it, depending on timing and size.

Don’t forget your boots!

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